Archive for December, 2014

December 15, 2014

MWA Montgomery County Chapter Meeting: January 3rd, 2015

January 03, 2015
10:30 AM to 12:30 PM
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Mid-County Community Recreation Center
2004 Queensguard Road
Silver Spring, MD 20906

Promoting Your Work with a Hefty Dose of Humor

To grow as a writer, it is important to repeatedly push your work out into the world. Yet, the more efforts you make to get your work published, the more chances you take at rejection. How do you stay positive in the face of all that negativity? Blogger and multi-book author Kat Spitzer has a few words of advice for you.

Blogging maven Kat Spitzer will discuss:

– Tips and tricks for promoting your work—the emphasis will be on nonfiction, but her humor-based strategies may also be used for fiction

– How to push through negativity and self-doubt

At the January meeting, Kat will present “Promoting Your Work with a Hefty Dose of Humor,” offering tips and tricks for promoting your work and growing a (primarily nonfiction) portfolio while keeping a sense of humor. Kat started her writing career with small unpaid articles, and grew from there to publishing larger features, a newspaper column, various blogs, her own daily blog, and now multiple books. Her blog and books are humorous and upbeat, and that’s been her approach to writing in general. You may experience lots of rejections in this business that threaten your belief in yourself as a writer. Kat will discuss how to push through negativity and self-doubt and prevail, even if it’s one little step at a time.
About the Speaker
Kat Spitzer is the author of The Happy Hypochondriac and the newly released The Happy Hypochondriac Survives World Travel. She also writes the humor blog by the same name, which you can find at her website, She contributes nonfiction freelance pieces to magazines and blogs and spent two years writing a weekly sports column for The Capital Gazette. While the Happy  Hypochondriac series of books is published by Apprentice House, she is also self-publishing a compilation of Happy Hypochondriac “Musings” books of her most popular blog posts. The first of these, Musings on Family Life, was released this summer. She is now working on a novel. Kat has a law degree, runs a small business, and is the mother of two and wife of one. The word “hypochondriac” appears on all of her medical records.